Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

Fuzzy Hoods (o ̄∇ ̄o) ♥

Aww so cuteee >//<  On those pictures I saw this super cute hood for the first time :DD
With Jared Leto <3 <-- of course xD

Some people wore those hoods at the concert of 30 Seconds to Mars. I wish I had such a hood T^T

and thaaaan:
Tadaaaaa <3

My fiend has found the page of this fluffy and fuzzy super cute hoods *________* 
Thanks to B.D. (ノ>ω)




Black Wolf

Grizzly Bear

My favourites are the Panda Hood and the Husky Hood *_________*
OMG so cuteeeeee °^°

I want them aaaaaall (●()●)